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Corona - 21 Day India Lockdown - Pros & Cons

Updated: Apr 12, 2020

List of pros is higher than the cons! As it obvious shows how humans have made things worse to mother nature. One small sneeze is suffice to balance it out.


  1. It will help stopping spread of infections (not only corona but others infectious diseases also) from one to more people. Hence spreading rate will be minimised. 

  2. It will help deactivate virus on touched surfaces.

  3. It will help identifying infected people easily due to 2-14 incubation period logic.

  4. It will reduce unprecedented load on health systems. Gov and medical system will get enough time to be ready to serve it gradually even if load increases a bit. Though this is a temporary.

  5. As this panic is temporary and go by season, By late april, in india temperature will be higher which further help reducing the spread rate. Usually we don't get common cough and cold in summers instead only during season change or in winter. Covid19 is another kind of seasonal flu.

  6. People will grow a habit of personal hygiene and other good habit which usually are ignored.

  7. People will hit the brakes and discover life in a conscious manner. Books, movies and good music await us.

  8. Employer might discover WFH as good option, they can offer WFH to get more work done. Similarly school, colleges and other institutions and organisation might discover how online things can be done.

  9. People will learn how to utilise groceries judiciously. How to help wife in cooking and cleaning stuff as maid not available.

  10. Air Pollution will be way better than ever. so clear air to breath that might improve health. Nature will heal and help ozone layer to recover.

  11. Petrol might get cheaper.

  12. As a nation, if we're able to manage (most likely) to spread infections and recoveries and reduce the cases. it will be great impression of India on the world map.


  1. Economy will slump. Huge loss for a nation economy.

  2. Poor and middle class will be the great sufferer. 

  3. Community might get depressed due to lockdown. Stress put additional pressure on people health.

  4. On a lighter note, teen couples in a society will be in long distance relationships.

  5. Employer may cut employees salary if WFH is not the available option. but in longer lockdown may result serious employment issues.

How much this 21 lockdown will help, time will tell. But this is for sure that corona virus will not be eliminated completely from the world map or from India. It will remain be there and keep spreading even after vaccines. The only things that can protect us from this is to make our body defence system stronger and stronger and follow the right practices in life. Also it will be a lesson for Gov to keep a disaster and recovery plan on infrastructure level, if not ready then at least on the list. Such viruses will keep coming in future also. It was here before humans and will be here after humans.
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