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#AB004: How to lose weight graciously - The best practices

Updated: May 23, 2020

"The six best doctors are Sunshine, Water, Rest, Fresh Air, Exercise and Balanced Diet."

Referring to my previous blog “Weight Loss-Secret Revealed” we talked about weight gain root causes and its influential factors and the solution at high level.

Here in this blog I will focus mainly on weight loss or overall health best practices, how we can lose weight conveniently and graciously in a sustainable and maintainable manner by following certain best practices.

You know what, we know problems and in fact solution but the bigger problem is we don’t listen to our body and mind. We ignore things that lead us to this situation that we have to talk about weight loss etc.

We human body (the super natural machine) essentially requires right type and amount of food and air to get energy and essential elements for daily actions and rest (sleep) time for repair and maintenance to get the machine ready for next actions/activities.

There are certain best practices which will help you not to ignore and to put effort to bring body condition to the healthy and balance level i.e. to the level the way body is designed and function by the mother nature. Diet/meal/calorie plan is a very small part of overall best practices.

Below are the best practices to bring your health condition to a balanced level.

1. Listen to your body and mind, don’t ignore. Body has monitoring and signalling system that tells us what is wrong and right, what is less and what is more. Don’t ignore it.

Apply human controlling system similar to what we use in vehicles i.e. Break, Clutch, Gear, Steering and side mirrors.

2. Improve daily Habits, follow Daily routine & be mature and disciplined

  • Get up early in the morning

  • Exercise daily

  • Take food on time

  • Eat properly

  • Avoid overeating

  • Go to bed on time

"Break bad habits. Build good habits."

3. Sleep, is one of the most important functions of the human body during which body does very important activity of repair and maintenance to get this body recharged for the next day action. Weight loss or maintenance also be impacted on how quality we slept. At least 2-3 hours of deep sleep is must for the body. Your sleeping requirement must be based on your daily activity and your health condition. The duration could be in the range of between 5 hours to 8 hours depending on your physical and mental activity.

"Quality sleep is the best medicine."

4. Stress is the biggest culprit to your unhealthy body and mind. Stress can be physical and mental. Physical is inside body due to wrong type of food or high amount of food intake, injuries, lack of sleep, quality of air we breathe etc. Mental stress cloud be due to emotional situation like fight, anger, exploitation etc. To solve stress issues stop bad habits and follow good habits. Take right food, meditate, exercise, Sleep well, breath oxygen rich air.

"It's not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it."

5. Correct your diet not to follow entirely new non practical diet. your food must be as per your region and seasonal. For example if we living in NCR, our food must be regional and seasonal. Just add more and more green vegetables in your diet. Don’t follow foreign diets. I think we require minor changes in our current diet to correct it for weight loss. I will publish the diet program soon.You're eating for fuel not for indulgence.

You don't have to eat less, you just have to eat right.

6. Metabolism: Metabolism is the most important element in overall health and weight management. A high metabolism means you'll need to take in more calories to maintain your weight. A person with a "low" (or slow) metabolism will burn fewer calories at rest and during activity and therefore has to eat less to avoid becoming overweight.

We can boost our metabolism as mentioned below

  • Eat Plenty of Protein at Every Meal

  • Do a High-Intensity Workout

  • Drink Green Tea or Oolong Tea

  • Eat Spicy Foods

  • Get a Good Night's Sleep

  • Drink Coffee

  • Replace Cooking Fats With Coconut Oil

  • Take platy of sunshine (morning) and fresh oxygen rich air (run or walk where full of greenery like park)

"It's all fun and games until your metabolism slows down."

Health is not about the weight you lose, but about the life you gain. Respect your body. Fuel your body. Challenge your body. Move your body. And most of all, Love your body.
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