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COVID-19 – Government failed but getting appreciations?? The other side of the story.

Updated: May 26, 2020

"The highlights are how to react or cope-up to this situation, and the worst decision made in initial days which costed a lot later. In short government failed completely"

Are you also thinking government is getting appreciation or trying to showcase his contribution in the great disaster time of covid-19? Think again! As many things we’ve already seen and many things have not been shown to us or hide by main stream media who are in full control of the led government.

I am trying to capture all those aspects listed below as other side of the stories.

Worst management

  • First of all Government could have quarantined all passengers from the airport since January. Number could have been roughly 40-50 thousand only much lesser than the after affect inside country.

  • Only temperature testing was done at the airport, a big mistake. Many people had taken medicines to lower fever and escaped easily. Infected covid19 people also escaped because infection may not show fever as symptom.

Worst decision to shut down entire nation.

  • Government could have only locked down to specific location where foreign migrant lives. Cloud have easily tracked people address from airport. Instead of locking down only impacted locations, government suddenly locked down the entire nation without any prior notice. Made people life freezed wherever there are. This is one of the worst decision made by the crazy government.

  • Sudden lockdown to entire country made situation difficult to crores of people. Could have given sometime. For example, 3 days prior information about Janta curfew was given but to shut down no time given. At 8pm it was said to lockdown from 12am midnight. What a joke?

  • Millions of small, semi small companies vanished, millions of jobs lost.

Created false fear/panic in citizens mind.

  • Government failed to communicate to its citizen on COVID-19 do’s and don’ts appropriately. Instead created lots of panic in citizens mind through main stream media. Compelled to live a more stressful life than ever before.

  • Media has created more panic and fear than ever before by publishing only corona news all the time. Displaying only corona counter on TV all the time. What about other existing diseases’ counter display and other existing problems.

No idea on lockdown period

  • Government has no idea whether 21 days lockdown will work or not. Even extension will work or not also not clear. They are thinking virus will leave the country but in reality even a single infected person again spread the infection the way it was done before.

  • Instead of providing jobs, snatch millions of jobs and lives

  • Crores of job lost. Government announce relief to citizens. No idea people are getting that benefits especially poor and lower middle class. Ice melts before reaching to destination, you know. So huge opportunity to officially corrupt.

Migration from one state to another, Due to his wrong decision on lockdown.

  • Crores of labour migrants compelled to migrate to their home town and villages on bare foot on road. All in hunger death situation.

  • Government did something for them after many protest.

  • They are very badly treated by the government.

Hide existing disease situation.

  • What are the statistics of existing diseases? how corona fear and lockdown, house arrest impacted people stress related issues which aggravated existing underline diseases. what are the death figures of that?

Lack of preparation of health care systems.

  • Government is not telling us what is there and health care systems' preparedness with infrastructure, treatment equipment etc.

Followed Copy and Paste style

  • Government is following US, Europe cases and getting in panic. Basic knowledge and sense could have been used that in India we are different in terms of DNA, culture, life style and Geographical conditions. Corona impact will not be here in India like in other countries.

  • Why can’t India do research work to get the real problem and solution of this virus? Why are we dependent on WHO and other countries?

Inaccurate testing and wrong data statistics

  • Covid-19 test which RT-PCR test is inaccurate testing method which gives us false positive and false negative. Hence entire statistics of total number of positive infections case is fake or greatest lie.

  • Media highlighting number of cases and making people in panic, which is actually wrong number. Better to monitor death rate which far less than any other countries. Hence no need to panic.

Wrong prediction

  • Initially experts have predicted this virus as most dangerous ever and crores of people will get die, compared this with Spanish flu which proved completely wrong. After 5 months looking at the data, it shows 99% of people survive so how come it is dangerous.

Blind faith on a country who never share their information correct.

  • We blindly believed China on lockdown suggestion as solution which is the greatest pitfall. And our great leaders instead of selective shutdown, did nation-wide shutdown.

Very slow testing and late identification, started in Jan but government got up in Mar.

  • In fact in first week of Feb 2020, we all family member were sick with similar symptoms and got me almost a month recover all of us after visiting multiple doctors. None of doctors were suspecting covid19 hence were not tested instead they were saying viral. May be it was due to covid19 who knows. Similarly many people were sick with similar symptoms during Jan and Feb as per doctors. Oh God! it was already spread that time but nobody has clue

  • Covid19 testing is in India is much lesser than any country looking at the size of population.

  • Due to very late identification and alertness and testing given ample time to spread the infections in the country un-imagination level. Crores of infections already spread across India during this time and million are already cured automatically, but government have no idea about it. Still they are doing approx. 1 lakh testing per day which is far less.

  • Increase the testing 5 lakh per day, huge numbers will be identified at least 30K per day. Millions of people already adapted to heard immunity. Government can get anti-body test to verify this.

Contradict on Self-sufficiency and Desi apnao nara

  • We all know covid19 has only home remedy as solution for 98% of the cases but government never promoted our own Ayurvedic medicines instead made us panic for allopathic.

Many more...

  • Opening the lockdown is also a great drama.

  • Too many complexities, by creating multiple layers of guidelines and layers of zones etc. just like jungle raj.

Government has a great excuse that they have saved over 50K lives due to shut down which is all blind prediction. Even if it is correct, but how many lives snatched that all visible and reality, not prediction. Actually entire number game & fear is fake and for other agenda. This is the reality.

God bless us!

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