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COVID-19 Detected - My Experience and Observations

Updated: Nov 28, 2022

Recently I was detected covid19 positive with mild symptoms and got completely recovered at home after approximately 18 days since the onset of first symptoms. This was my 4th similar kind of illness during a period of 1 year. Last 3 occasions I did not got tested therefore I can't say whether it was Covid19 or not but this time I got tested and detected as covid19 positive.

Just to figure out the differences among similar illness, I tried to monitor this very closely. Sharing here my experience and observations of the same. It may help you, as sooner or later every one has to get infected regardless of whether you've taken vaccine or not. I wish nobody gets infected at all.

How do I get Infected?

It seems, I got infected anywhere in the train or hotel or temple etc. during my trip to Vashno Devi, J&K, India, 2nd last week of march 2021. This was our first outing after a year since Covid19 arrived in India.

What were my symptoms?

  • Stomach upset.

  • Rashes around stomach like chest, lower and upper back.

  • Strong back pain

  • Mild headache

  • Loss of taste and smell.

  • False feeling of mild throat and nose congestion with dryness but there is no evident congestion at all. Bit change in voice.

How do I get tested?

Initially I visited to doctor with an issue of stomach and skin rashes. Doctor gave medicine for acidity. Later when I informed him about loss of smell and taste, he immediately suggested for Covid19 test. Thereafter, I got tested by private diagnostic center with sample collected at my home. I got my report as covid19 positive with CT-Value to 27.

Immediately I consulted doctor online and started taking medicines and general home care treatment steps.

It's perfectly normal for adults to sneeze and sniffle through two or three colds each year. Most people bounce back in seven to 10 days. “During that time, it takes the immune system three to four days to develop antibodies and fight off pesky germs.

Medicines, home care and how I got cured.

Medicines suggested by Doctor:

  • Appropriate ant-biotic, Multi-vitamins, home care etc.

Note: Please do not take these or any kind of medicines without doctors consultation.

I have consulted online with one of the best doctors Dr. Anurag Maheshwari, +919350037880.

Home Care guidelines I followed for quick relief and recovery

  • Drink plenty of warm water

  • Gargle 2-3 times a days with water + salt mixed

  • Take water steam 3-4 times a day

  • Be on mostly liquid & nutritious diet for at least 5 days

    • Take orange juice on daily morning.

    • Take Coconut water couple of time in a day.

    • Take green salads

    • Take khichdi

    • Avoid sour and masala food.

    • Take apple on a daily basis or drink amla + cucumber + apple juice

  • Regular breathing exercise in the morning

  • Warm water with honey & lemon if too much cough

  • Stay positive. Try what you like and be stress less

  • Take Physician advised medication like Zinc+Vit C & D+Antibiotics on fixed time.

  • Rest rest rest

  • Care for kids at home

  • Regularly check your vitals like BP, Oxygen, Temperature. Oxygen must be above 95% on oximeter.

  • Monitor your breathing comfort and chest pain if any consult to doctor.

  • Monitor your daily health progress and feelings. This is one of the most important part. if you are not progressing talk to doctor.

Progress day by day

Day 1-3: Very little progress I felt. From Day 3, I started getting my smell and taste back to normal in couple of days.

Day 4 - 10: 4th day onwards I started feeling better and better day by day. All symptoms mentioned above gradually gone. But weakness and some post covid side-effects I can feel.

Day 11 onwards: Felt like fully recovered. All symptoms gone completely. I can feel fully positive and rejuvenate.

How is covid19 different from flu and other similar illness?

This as per my close observation.

However I got similar illness at least 3 times(but not tested) in a covid year. This was my 4th time but got tested and detected covid19 positive. I can feel bit difference as mentioned below

  • I had a false feeling of fever, nose, throat and chest congestion. Please note only feeling but physically it is not evident. Nose, throat and chest all were clear and dried. No fever recorded except on 2nd day 99.1 C.

  • Loss of smell and taste without any evident congestion, no running nose, no mucus in throat and no fever. However in past I had a loss of smell and taste but with running nose and cough etc.

  • Stomach fullness & Burning feeling on skin around stomach when touched due to rash.

  • Strong backpain and unexplained mild headache.

Why are there so many symptoms in covid19?

As experts know little about this virus so no clue how this will behave once it enters in our body. It also depends on how much a person is infected(virus load which depends how quickly we get tested) with and where in the body this virus sticks. if some enter in nose and stick in smell and taste sensory system of the brain (near to nose) and get damaged, we feel loss of smell and taste.

if it goes to throat and replicate, you will have cough and congestion. if it goes to lungs and replicate, lungs may become stressed and give breathing issues or chest pain etc. remaining like fever, body pain etc. are reaction of the body/immune system.


Consult an experienced covid19 doctor for medical treatment in case you have moderate or critical symptoms. Asymptomatic and mild cases may not be require doctor consultation and can be cure by general home remedies.

Do we need medicines in case of asymptomatic and mild cases?

if you are having asymptomatic and mild symptoms, you can get recover without medicines for sure in 5-7 days with general home care steps mentioned above.

How do I know I am recovered in home isolation?

As per government guidelines, 10 days from the onset symptoms with no fever for the last 3 days, can be considered as home isolation period is over and you become non infectious to other people. Thereafter, Monitor your condition for the next 7 days. if things are fine you can be declared completely recovered. No testing or negative report is required because it is highly likely that you'll still get positive report even after completely recovered as dead/inactive virus may still present in your body.

I would suggest go by your symptoms and your feelings. if there are no symptoms and once you're feeling great, regardless of days, you can considered as recovered. Don't go by the test report as well whether positive or negative.

Post Covid side-effects and care

Due to high dosage of antibiotics, vitamins and other medicines body is left with several side effects like majorly inflammation in different parts like liver, kidney etc. Therefore many of the symptoms are of the medicine side effect exists after recovery process which gradually body correct itself. You just have to give little support and care to your beloved body. Follow best practices of eating and activity habits. Take nutritious diet, green vegetables, liquid diet, anti-inflammatory diet and be active & do daily exercise, walk, meditation etc. for quick removal of the side effects. Below mentioned anti-inflammatory and natural blood thinner that helps.

Some natural anti-inflammatory are

  • Oranges

  • Green vegetables and salads

  • Coconut water

  • Fish and chicken

  • Olive oil

  • Green tea

Natural blood thinner are

  • Ginger

  • Cinnamon

  • Turmeric

  • Cayan chilly

  • Ginger turmeric tea

What are the chances of re-infection of Covid19 after recovery i.e. natural immunity?

Recovery makes us immune (anti-body) against covid19 virus. This is one of the best natural vaccine a person can get once he/she recovered from Covid19. It can give us protection for many many years. As per data available as of now, there is very very thin chances of re-infection for certain period of time 9-12 months, once we're recovered from Covid19. One study shows 2 out of 10K people are infected with minor symptoms. Other study shows, People who had COVID-19 had an 84% lower risk of becoming reinfected and a 93% lower risk of symptomatic infection during 7 months of follow-up, according to findings from a large, multicenter study published late last week in The Lancet.

Natural immunity is always greater than Vaccine immunity, there is no doubt, but that is on some cost i.e. we have to suffer the disease first and in this process some people with other existing diseases or with low immunity, may get die. Natural immunity can gives us up to 99.9982% immunity vs best of the best vaccines may give 90% - 94.5% immunity. But Vaccination is always better than natural immunity for whom who haven't got the specific disease yet. Vaccination prevents or reduce the chances of getting the disease & can save life.

My Conclusion on Covid19 virus

As per my observation, covid19 seems like other flu like illness but more mental than physical. However it has little higher infection rate than the counterpart but only a speculation. Looking at the virus patterns, In my point of view it looks to me a non natural i.e. a re-engineered virus which I mentioned in my other blog. That's why it is unpredictable and confused, if we make it short.

Anyway, It makes our body a bit confused as we don't know what it may do. All up to our current health conditions and immunity. Hence dangerous only to those people who have existing chronic or critical diseases specially old age with asthma, pneumonia, sugar, HBP, Liver and Kidney issues. Due to higher rate of infection and false fear created by media and some world leadership, there are a huge rush for hospitalization and this situation makes it unmanageable and finally proved dangerous to infected people regardless of age or any other disease patients as due to treatment not available on time.

Knowingly or unknowingly, World has definitely done a blunder on this, making and projecting it unnecessarily dangerous because of false fear and panic, the situation created is messy. Reaction against this virus once origin in china was completely immature the way it should have been handled. Just to note that china has still not crossed even 1 Lakh of infections in more than 1 year. A big question on the reaction against this virus by rest of the countries????

How to handle this situation?

  • Build the medical infrastructure asap like beds, ventilators etc.

  • Let people be free and in open and allow to get themselves infected as this is the natural phenomena.

  • Protect those who are actually are at risk like old people and people who have critical health condition.

  • Cure at home with general home treatment.

  • Create right awareness and information to people by media just opposite what they did(wrongly) initially.

  • More than 98% people do not need hospitalization and can be cured at home with careful treatment.

  • Lockdown never be the solution. In fact now it will be the worst solution. Lockdown was for government to create medical infrastructure etc.

Moral of the story is, Immunity doesn't build or improve in a day. You have to make several lifestyle and dietary changes today to strengthen your immune system tomorrow. These include reducing your sugar intake, staying hydrated, working out regularly, getting adequate sleep, and managing your stress levels. This and millions others unknown viruses always be there and we may keep getting infected because of our/humans stupidity. We have to stop stupidity and be matured enough to keep ourselves healthy, wealthy and wise.

Go natural, Be active, Be fit & healthy and Stay safe.

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Supal chowdhury
Supal chowdhury
Apr 10, 2021


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