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Generative AI as Patent Assist - Part 2

Inventions, Innovations & Patents got just easier! Thanks to Generative AI Technologies?

This is part 2 which is more focused on step by step process of inventing and patenting with examples using Generative AI Tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard and Microsoft Bing.

This practical examples covers below topics

Idea Generation - New, useful, and non-obvious

  • Prior Art Search

  • Patent Disclosure Drafting

  • Patent Classification

  • Patent Analysis

The only thing Inventor needs to know is how to write prompt correctly. Prompt engineering is the core of this new way of inventing and patenting. The better you write a prompt the better you'll get the response content.

Below examples are just for reference on how to get assistance in inventing and patenting journey. I've used simple prompt here.

Idea Generation - New, useful, and non-obvious (ChatGPT or Bing or Bard helps here)

Generative Tool can generate new ideas by using its ability to process and analyse vast amounts of text data.

  • You can give it a specific topic or field of interest essentially the problem you see around in your day-to-day life or work, and you want an appropriate solution.

  • Gen AI can come up with numerous new ideas that can be patentable.

  • Based on response if you need to further drill down, you may go ahead and prompt until you satisfied. It's like you're talking to a super bot who can understand you and respond accordingly. The more you converse, the more you also understand the super bot.


Prompt: "Generate new patentable ideas in the field of renewable energy that can improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions."

By providing a clear context and specifying the desired field (renewable energy) and the objectives (improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions), you can guide Generative tools to generate ideas that align with your criteria.

Feel free to adapt the prompt based on your specific area of interest or the problem you want to solve. The more specific and detailed your prompt is, the better the generated ideas are likely to be.

Tool Response: Here are some patentable ideas in the field of renewable energy that can improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions:

  • Smart Grid Optimization System: Develop a smart grid optimization system that utilizes advanced algorithms and real-time data analysis to optimize the distribution and consumption of renewable energy. This system could prioritize energy usage based on demand, storage capacity, and availability of renewable sources, thereby maximizing energy efficiency.

  • Solar Panel Efficiency Enhancement: Invent a novel technology or material that improves the efficiency of solar panels. This could involve the development of new photovoltaic materials, innovative designs for capturing sunlight, or advanced tracking systems that optimize panel orientation throughout the day.

  • Energy Storage Solution: Create an efficient and cost-effective energy storage solution for renewable energy sources. This could involve developing new battery technologies, such as high-capacity and long-lasting batteries, or exploring alternative methods like compressed air energy storage or advanced flywheel systems.

  • Wind Turbine Optimization: Design an innovative wind turbine system that enhances energy capture and reduces maintenance costs. This could involve improvements in blade design, aerodynamics, and generator efficiency, as well as advanced control systems to optimize turbine performance based on wind conditions.

  • Smart Home Energy Management: Develop an intelligent energy management system for homes that integrates renewable energy sources, energy storage, and efficient usage monitoring. This system could automatically adjust energy consumption based on real-time data, optimizing energy usage and reducing carbon emissions.

Remember, these are just a few examples to inspire you. Feel free to further refine or expand upon these ideas based on your specific interests and expertise in the renewable energy field.

Prior Art Search (Only Google Bard helps better)

Before filing a patent, it is essential to search for prior art to ensure that your invention is unique and non-obvious. Google Bard can assist in this task by analysing existing patents and other relevant documents to identify similar inventions.

Bard has access to USPTO patent database through google patent search. To some extent Bing can also help. ChantGPT free has no access to patent database. Once you get the patent information, make sure you go and get this validated on USPTO site or Google Patent Search for detailed information, helping you identify the uniqueness of your idea.


Prompt – (even if you don't know how to write a good prompt for this, you may ask the tool to help writing a better prompt for you) "I'm seeking assistance in conducting a prior art search for a new invention related to Smart Grid Optimization System. Please provide me with relevant prior art, including patents, academic papers, and other published materials, that may be similar to my invention."


"High Sound Sensor Alert System" search if this is already patented in USA

Or "High Sound Sensor Alert System" search this in google patent if this is already patented in USA. Do this in Bing.

Tool Response: Sure, I can help you with that. Here are some relevant prior art that may be similar to your invention: Patents:

  • US Patent No. 9,193,027 B2: "System and method for optimizing power flow in a smart grid"

  • US Patent No. 9,088,081 B2: "Method and apparatus for optimizing power flow in a smart grid"

  • US Patent No. 8,987,919 B2: "System and method for optimizing power flow in a smart grid"

Academic papers:

  • "A Survey of Smart Grid Optimization Methods" by J. Zhang, J. Wu, and J. Sun (2013)

  • "A Review of Smart Grid Optimization Techniques" by S. H. Low and M. E. Baran (2012)

  • "A Survey of Distributed Optimization Methods for Smart Grids" by R. Lu, J. Wang, and J. Chen (2012)

Other published materials:

  • "The Smart Grid: A Primer" by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2011)

  • "The Smart Grid: Opportunities and Challenges" by the McKinsey Global Institute (2010)

  • "The Smart Grid: A Vision for the Future of Electricity" by the Edison Electric Institute (2009)

These are just a few examples of prior art that may be similar to your invention. It is important to conduct a thorough prior art search to ensure that your invention is novel and non-obvious. You can use a variety of resources to conduct a prior art search, including patent databases, academic databases, and trade publications Here are some additional tips for conducting a prior art search: Start with a broad search and then narrow your focus as you find more relevant information. Use multiple search terms to increase your chances of finding relevant results. Pay attention to the dates of the patents and publications you find. This will help you to determine if your invention is novel and non-obvious. If you are unsure whether your invention is novel and non-obvious, you may want to consult with an intellectual property attorney.

Patent Disclosure Drafting (Bing helps better compared to Bard, ChatGPT free won't help)

MS Bing can help draft patent applications by providing suggestions on how to structure the patent, what to include, and how to describe the invention. This can save time and effort for inventors and patent attorneys.


Prompt: "Smart Grid Optimization System" write a US patent disclosure for this new idea. include executive summary, background, and problem statement, known solutions, summary of invention, advantages and value points, invention description.

Tool Response: Sure, here is an example of a US patent disclosure for a SmartGrid Optimization System:

Executive Summary A SmartGrid Optimization System is a system that uses information and communication technologies to monitor, control, and optimize the operation of the electric grid. The system can be used to improve the efficiency, reliability, and security of the grid. The system includes a number of components, including:

  • Sensors to collect data about the grid

  • Communication networks to transmit data between the sensors and the control center

  • A control center to monitor the data and make decisions about how to operate the grid

  • The system can be used to perform a variety of tasks, including:

  • Optimizing power flow

  • Managing demand

  • Integrating renewable energy sources

  • Preventing and responding to outages

Background and Problem Statement The electric grid is a complex system that is essential for our modern way of life. However, the grid is also facing a number of challenges, including:

  • Increasing demand for electricity

  • Aging infrastructure

  • The integration of renewable energy sources

These challenges are putting a strain on the grid and making it more difficult to keep up with demand. This can lead to outages, blackouts, and other disruptions. Known Solutions There are a number of solutions that have been proposed to address the challenges facing the electric grid. These solutions include:

  • Upgrading the infrastructure

  • Investing in renewable energy

  • Developing new technologies to manage demand

However, these solutions are often expensive and time-consuming.

Summary of Invention The SmartGrid Optimization System is a new solution that can help to address the challenges facing the electric grid. The system uses information and communication technologies to monitor, control, and optimize the operation of the grid. This can help to improve the efficiency, reliability, and security of the grid. The system is also relatively inexpensive and easy to implement. Advantages and Value Points The SmartGrid Optimization System has a number of advantages, including:

  • It can help to improve the efficiency of the grid

  • It can help to improve the reliability of the grid

  • It can help to improve the security of the grid

  • It is relatively inexpensive and easy to implement

Invention Description The SmartGrid Optimization System includes a number of components, including:

  • Sensors to collect data about the grid

  • Communication networks to transmit data between the sensors and the control center

  • A control center to monitor the data and make decisions about how to operate the grid

The sensors collect data about the grid, such as the current load, the voltage, and the frequency. This data is transmitted to the control center, where it is monitored by a computer. The computer uses this data to make decisions about how to operate the grid. For example, the computer may decide to turn on or off generators, or to reroute power around outages. The SmartGrid Optimization System can be used to perform a variety of tasks, including:

  • Optimizing power flow

  • Managing demand

  • Integrating renewable energy sources

  • Preventing and responding to outages

  • The SmartGrid Optimization System is a new and innovative solution that can help to address the challenges facing the electric grid. The system is relatively inexpensive and easy to implement, and it has a number of advantages, including improved efficiency, reliability, and security.

Detailed Description of the Invention The SmartGrid Optimization System includes a number of components, including:

  • Sensors to collect data about the grid

  • Communication networks to transmit data between the sensors and the control center

  • A control center to monitor the data and make decisions about how to operate the grid

The sensors collect data about the grid, such as the current load, the voltage, and the frequency. This data is transmitted to the control center, where it is monitored by a computer. The computer uses this data to make decisions about how to operate the grid. For example, the computer may decide to turn on or off generators, or to reroute power around outages. The SmartGrid Optimization System can be used to perform a variety of tasks, including:

  • Optimizing power flow

  • Managing demand

  • Integrating renewable energy sources

  • Preventing and responding to outages

  • Optimizing Power Flow

The SmartGrid Optimization System can be used to optimize power flow by balancing the load on the grid. This can be done by turning on or off generators, or by rerouting power around outages.

Managing Demand The SmartGrid Optimization System can be used to manage demand by providing incentives for consumers to reduce their energy usage during peak times. This can be done by offering discounts on electricity rates, or by providing information about energy-saving practices.

Integrating Renewable Energy Sources The SmartGrid Optimization System can be used to integrate renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, into the grid. This can be done by storing excess energy from renewable sources, or by rerouting power around outages.

Preventing and Responding to Outages The SmartGrid Optimization System can be used to prevent and respond to outages by monitoring the grid for potential problems. If a problem is detected, the system can take steps to prevent the outage from happening, or to minimize the impact of the outage.

Patent Classification (Google Bard will help better)

Bard can also classify patent documents based on the invention's technical field and the type of patent. This can be helpful for patent examiners, attorneys, and inventors who need to categorize their inventions and analyze existing patents.


Prompt: "Classify the following patent document based on its technical field and patent type: US Patent No. 9,193,027 B2. Please provide the appropriate classification codes and categories."

Tool Response: Sure, here is the classification of US Patent No. 9,193,027 B2: Technical Field: Computer architecture Patent Type: Method Classification Codes:

  • 370/315

  • 370/316

  • 370/317

  • 370/318

  • 370/319

  • 370/320

  • 370/321

  • 370/322

  • 370/323

  • 370/324


  • Computer architecture

  • Computer systems

  • Data processing

  • Digital signal processing

  • Information processing

  • Logic design

  • Microprocessors

  • Systems on a chip

  • VLSI design

US Patent No. 9,193,027 B2 is a method for optimizing the performance of a computer system. The method includes the steps of:

  • Identifying a plurality of tasks that are to be performed by the computer system.

  • Determining the dependencies between the tasks.

  • Scheduling the tasks to be performed in a manner that minimizes the overall execution time of the tasks.

  • Executing the tasks in the scheduled order.

The method of US Patent No. 9,193,027 B2 can be used to improve the performance of a computer system by reducing the amount of time that is spent waiting for tasks to complete. The method can also be used to improve the energy efficiency of a computer system by reducing the amount of time that the computer system is active. Another example to get the details of the patent.

Prompt: "show me details of US Patent No. 9,193,027 B2"

Tool Response: Sure, here are the details of US Patent No. 9,193,027 B2: Title: Method and System for Optimizing the Performance of a Computer System Inventors: Suresh V. Garimella, David B. Kirk, and David A. Patterson Assignee: The Regents of the University of California Filed: December 15, 2014 Issued: May 2, 2016

Abstract: A method and system for optimizing the performance of a computer system are disclosed. The method includes the steps of: Identifying a plurality of tasks that are to be performed by the computer system. Determining the dependencies between the tasks. Scheduling the tasks to be performed in a manner that minimizes the overall execution time of the tasks.

Executing the tasks in the scheduled order. The method and system of the invention can be used to improve the performance of a computer system by reducing the amount of time that is spent waiting for tasks to complete. The method and system can also be used to improve the energy efficiency of a computer system by reducing the amount of time that the computer system is active.

Detailed Description of the Invention: The computer system of the invention includes a plurality of processors, a memory, and a scheduler. The processors are configured to execute tasks. The memory is configured to store tasks and data. The scheduler is configured to schedule tasks to be executed by the processors. The scheduler of the invention includes a dependency graph. The dependency graph is configured to store information about the dependencies between tasks. The scheduler uses the dependency graph to schedule tasks to be executed by the processors in a manner that minimizes the overall execution time of the tasks. The scheduler of the invention also includes a performance model. The performance model is configured to predict the execution time of tasks. The scheduler uses the performance model to schedule tasks to be executed by the processors in a manner that minimizes the overall execution time of the tasks. The scheduler of the invention also includes an energy model. The energy model is configured to predict the energy consumption of tasks. The scheduler uses the energy model to schedule tasks to be executed by the processors in a manner that minimizes the overall energy consumption of the computer system. The scheduler of the invention may be implemented in software or hardware. The scheduler may be implemented as a single scheduler or as a plurality of schedulers. The scheduler may be implemented as a centralized scheduler or as a distributed scheduler. The scheduler of the invention may be used to optimize the performance of a computer system for a variety of applications. The scheduler may be used to optimize the performance of a computer system for a single task or for a plurality of tasks. The scheduler may be used to optimize the performance of a computer system for a variety of workloads. The scheduler of the invention may be used to improve the performance of a computer system by reducing the amount of time that is spent waiting for tasks to complete. The scheduler may also be used to improve the energy efficiency of a computer system by reducing the amount of time that the computer system is active.

Patent Analysis (Google Bard assist better)

Google Bard can analyze patent documents to identify emerging trends in a specific field, the most active players, and the potential for new opportunities. This can be useful for inventors, investors, and businesses who want to stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements.


Prompt: "Perform a patent analysis on solar panel technologies filed between 2010 and 2020. Analyze the emerging trends, key players, and technological advancements in this field. Provide insights on the potential for new opportunities and areas of innovation." By specifying the focus area (solar panel technologies) and the time frame (2010-2020), you can ask Bard to analyze patents filed during that period. The prompt requests insights on emerging trends, key players, and technological advancements. Additionally, you can ask for information on potential opportunities and areas where innovation may be occurring. Tool Response: Sure, here is a patent analysis on solar panel technologies filed between 2010 and 2020.

Emerging Trends There are a number of emerging trends in solar panel technologies, including: The use of new materials: There is a growing trend towards the use of new materials in solar panels, such as perovskites and organic semiconductors. These materials offer a number of advantages over traditional materials, such as silicon, including lower cost, higher efficiency, and greater flexibility. The development of new manufacturing processes: There is also a growing trend towards the development of new manufacturing processes for solar panels. These processes are designed to reduce the cost of production and improve the efficiency of solar panels. The integration of solar panels with other technologies: Solar panels are increasingly being integrated with other technologies, such as building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) and concentrated solar power (CSP). This integration can lead to a number of benefits, such as reduced costs and increased efficiency.

Key Players There are a number of key players in the solar panel industry, including:

  • First Solar: First Solar is a leading manufacturer of thin-film solar panels. The company has a strong track record of innovation and has been a major driver of the growth of the solar panel industry.

  • SunPower: SunPower is a leading manufacturer of high-efficiency solar panels. The company has a strong focus on research and development and has developed a number of innovative technologies that have helped to improve the efficiency of solar panels.

  • LG Electronics: LG Electronics is a leading manufacturer of solar panels and other electronics. The company has a strong global presence and has been a major driver of the growth of the solar panel industry in Asia.

  • Trina Solar: Trina Solar is a leading manufacturer of solar panels and other solar products. The company has a strong track record of innovation and has been a major driver of the growth of the solar panel industry in China.

Technological Advancements There have been a number of technological advancements in solar panel technologies in recent years, including:

  • The development of high-efficiency solar cells: Solar cells are the key component of solar panels. The efficiency of solar cells has increased significantly in recent years, thanks to advances in materials and manufacturing processes.

  • The development of new materials for solar panels: As mentioned earlier, there is a growing trend towards the use of new materials in solar panels. These materials offer a number of advantages over traditional materials, such as silicon, including lower cost, higher efficiency, and greater flexibility.

  • The development of new manufacturing processes: As mentioned earlier, there is also a growing trend towards the development of new manufacturing processes for solar panels. These processes are designed to reduce the cost of production and improve the efficiency of solar panels.

Potential for New Opportunities and Areas of Innovation There is a significant potential for new opportunities and areas of innovation in solar panel technologies. Some of the key areas of focus include: The development of even more efficient solar cells: The development of even more efficient solar cells is a key area of focus for the solar panel industry. This will lead to lower costs and increased adoption of solar panels. The development of new materials for solar panels: The development of new materials for solar panels is another key area of focus. These materials will offer a number of advantages over traditional materials, such as lower cost, higher efficiency, and greater flexibility. The development of new manufacturing processes: The development of new manufacturing processes is also a key area of focus. These processes will help to reduce the cost of production and improve the efficiency of solar panels. The solar panel industry is a rapidly growing and evolving field. There are a number of emerging trends, key players, and technological advancements that are driving the growth of the industry. There is also significant potential for new opportunities and areas of innovation in the years to come.


In conclusion, generative AI technologies are a powerful and promising tool for inventions and patenting. Just as with any powerful technology, the responsibility and ethical use of generative AI becomes paramount. They can help inventors and businesses create and protect new products, processes, or methods that have practical utility and are not obvious to others in the field. However, they also pose some challenges and risks that need to be considered and managed. By harnessing the potential of generative AI technologies while mitigating their pitfalls, inventors and businesses can foster innovation, economic growth, and social welfare.

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