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India is safe from Corona (covid-19) virus - Thanks to Indian culture and lifestyle

Updated: Apr 4, 2020

Over 80% of Indian population still follow their old culture and lifestyle which is well respected and way better than western culture. Our eating habits and weather conditions are favourable to make our immune system better than western countries. Our 20% of population who lives in big cities forgot their own established systems and started following western, are more prone to health issues.

"Our ancestors gurus made thousands of Gods just to enforce best practices in life."

Let’s look at the comparison how India will be in a better position with covid-19 or any kind of viral infections.

"Major differentiators are usage of packed food, coke, cigarette, alcohol, animals meat etc."

We Indians are safe, rest assured thanks to our culture, lifestyle, eating habits, weather conditions which lead to better body immune system comparatively.

"It's a very good opportunity to re-discover our own established old systems and enhance and modernize them as per current changes and needs."

Let's hope this corona havoc soon vanishes and things exposed.

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