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The Corona (Covid-19) – The Greatest Panic ever in Human history

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

Let’s look at the current situation across the globe of corona virus havoc as on 2nd April 2020 4 PM IST.

  • Started from china and spread across entire world. Since January 2020 it's already 3 months old.

  • China is the only country who is able to manage this epidemic in its country. China has opened all industries and business. Life is normal there. Just opposite, remaining of the world are suffering.

  • Specially US and European countries are suffering very badly.

  • India 2nd largest populated country has negligible effect of this virus so far.

  • WHO declared this as pandemic! Earlier also WHO declared pandemic which later proved wrong.

  • Many countries mostly US and Europe have enforced country/city locked down. India also locked down as precautionary measure though cases are negligible.

  • This is the first disease which is getting monitored, recorded and published live as commentary.

  • Testing in India is extremely very less looking at the population size hence cases are way low.

Just to cut short Covid19 looks to me like a normal seasonal flu that has been given a new name called covid19 and fooled many countries. It created a havoc and panic to entire world supported by china and WHO, also US and Europe.

As per available data and world situations, it is very clear that covid19 is just another kind of seasonal flu which entire world suffers every year and due to this more than 6 lakhs people die every year. Most % are of old age with existing health condition. 95% cases of mild in nature and people recovered with self-care in couple of weeks.

You will find seasonal flu is more dangerous than this corona covid19.

I am 100% sure it’s history biggest conspiracy. I hope this will be exposed very soon.


"Seasonal Flu Illnesses range from mild to severe and even death. Hospitalization and death occur mainly among high risk groups. Worldwide, these annual epidemics are estimated to result in about 3 to 5 million cases of severe illness, and about 290 000 to 650 000 respiratory deaths. Mild cases are over 100 millions."

Some of the facts of common flu happens every year

Total infected cases not recorded but it is expected to be over 1 billion people.

Mild cases over 300-400 million

Sever/critical cases 3-5 million

Death cases 290K-650K

Now just have a look at Covid19 cases as of today i.e. 2nd Apr 2020 4 PM.

Total Coronavirus Cases including closed cases: 950,652

Total Closed cases: Deaths:48,290, Recovered:202,631 i.e. total closed cases 250000

Total Active cases: 699,731

Total mild cases: 663,577 (95%)

Serious or critical:36,154 (5%)

When we extrapolate with the same rate in a period of one year the figure will be as follows

Total corona cases infected: 10-12 million (also depends on how many testing we’re doing)

Total mild cases: 5-7 million

Sever/critical cases: 200K-500K

Death: 400K - 600K

From above it is very clear that there is no comparison between even with normal flu. It looks clear that one of the world simplest virus intentionally invented and projected as world most dangerous virus. Created a fear of business or havoc or panic to disturb many targeted countries making them shutdown countries, cities and business/markets etc. getting weak financially and losing power as well.

"Remember when you’re in panic or chaotic situation, even a simple task looks tough task. In panic and fear, people will rush to hospitals and clinic and such a load can’t be managed and hence even a needy people will not get treatment and get die untreated. This is what is happening with US and European countries. The higher the panic or havoc, the higher chances of load balancing issues and therefore death."

Covid19 is just a new name discovered. It was there before and unknowingly many times it caught us, and we are fine in few days. It’s just a global panic created. Panic will increase more deaths due to stress and hospitals & clinical load balancing issues.

"Panic and havoc are more dangerous than the virus and bacteria."

Another major point is that first time in the history, we started monitoring and counting live score card of this disease. I would say similarly start monitoring and counting score of other diseases you will find there are many more and very dangerous diseases are there than corona. We could have taken more panic, but this is not the case with other diseases.

Let’s look at facts.

In 2017, there were 56 million deaths globally; nearly half of these (49%) were people who were 70 years or older; 27% were between 50 and 69 years old; 14% were between 15 and 49; only 1% were older than 5 and younger than 14; and almost 10% were children under the age of 5.

TB - 15 lakhs death per year globally n in India it is 5 lakh

Seasonal flu is approx 6.5 lakhs death per year globally.

Let’s have look in below graph for other diseases. Seasonal flu ranks at 3 & 4 spot

Look at another data facts as per CDC. This is only US data every year.

So, what is the solution?

As 95% cases are mild and those can be self-treated hence first of all avoid getting panic and fear. The only solution to this problem whether vaccine is available or not, is to be hygienic, diet correction and boost body immunity in the long run.

"This corona will go away with season as it is similar to seasonal flue."

Government has to assure citizen with the right guidance and treatment available for rest of the 5% cases. In India, instead of supporting the havoc and behaving like other US & European countries.

"This flu will definitely go away with season, especially in India. I am 100% sure by May 2020 it will be over in India and hopefully in other countries also."

Other points also to be noted that western countries by culture and lifestyle they are highly prone to such infections. Look at their eating habits, use of cigarettes, alcohol, hand and mouth touch culture etc. India is way better than those countries specially in terms of mentioned habits. 70% India live in villages. Approx. 10-15% population who live in metros follows to western lifestyle and may be prone to such infections.

"People are not afraid of the virus but the panic or chaotic situation. It’s totally FEAR. Like if corona virus detected, gov will take them away, isolate with entire world, even family can’t meet, family can’t take dead body after death etc."

Don’t be in panic. If you’ve symptoms, give it a solution available, mostly and most of the time it is self-treated with basic precaution what we do in normal flu.

Self-care treatment (over 95% of the cases)

If you have mild symptoms like soar throat, any type of cough, fever above 101 or no fever, stay at home until you’ve recovered. You can relieve your symptoms if you:

This applies to any type of flu/viral infections. We usually are careless by nature.

  • Maintain social distancing so that we do not spread the infection.

  • Wash hands frequently with soap or sanitiser.

  • Isolate self and take rest and sleep

  • Follow DIP diet. First day be on complete fluid diet i.e. take coconut water and citric juices. Second day take liquid diet and On third day you can take solid diet. by that time your condition will improved by 60%

  • Use a room humidifier or take a hot shower to help ease a sore throat and cough

Medical treatments (less than 5% cases)

If you develop a fever, cough, and have difficulty breathing, promptly seek medical care. Call in advance and tell your health provider. You need to be hospitalised as breathing issues needs to resolved as soon as possible. Usually happens only to older aged people having existing medication conditions or very poor immunity system.

Just think, food for thought...

Even if we stop spreading by lockdown and isolation, how can we eliminate this virus out of this world. No, we will never kill this or other viruses, they were here before us and will be here after us. They will keep infecting us.

"We humans are built by design to live with viruses and bacteria. They are already inside us. Our immune system must be strong enough to fight. Our life-style destroying our immune system. Also immune system adapts automatically to fight to keep this body in a state, the way it is designed and the way it must function."

Just think how many vaccines we would need to fight so many different type of viruses and bacteria. No vaccine and medicine is good for long time, may be only for temporarily.

If there is no medicines for covid19 then how people are getting recovered?

If most of the people (all mild cases i.e. 95%) are getting recovered then why this panic?

Why Government is not controlling media and social networking to spread panic and fear?

How we are ensuring this virus won't come next year?

Also think when even a single person is left with covid19 infection, how can’t he become again the source of pandemic i.e. essentially this is how it gets started.

One thing is for sure, lockdown of countries, cities, industries will definitely proved to be a boon for Mother Nature. Nature will heal in this period. Other diseases will not spread. This panic will definitely compel humans to think and act on the way they are living life on this earth. India/Modi is going to be a Guru on the world map as being a second most populous countries covid19 cases would be way less than other countries.




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