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What IF Covid-19 is Re-Engineered !

Updated: May 10, 2021

I strongly believe that there are only two possible theories of Covid-19.

First it is just a fear created and spread by China to handle the trade war with America and Europe countries.

Second it might be muted or re-engineered genetically by China which is quite possible and targeted specifically to American and Europeans countries. Please note bio-technologically we can target specific DNA/RNA.

I am covering the second part i.e. what if it is re-engineered. Below are some important pointers:

  • As we know entire universe is made up of energy and matters including living organism on the earth.

  • All living beings, simple to complex are super cellular machines programmed by the mother nature.

  • Scientist have learnt how to re-engineer viruses through genetic engineering & biotechnology methods.

  • The idea is that the viruses can be re-engineered so instead of attacking healthy cells and causing diseases, they can cure the existing diseases.

  • Every human body is genetically different, but this difference gets wider at different geographies of the earth.

  • We can easily identify and target specific set of people by DNA through genetic engineering.

  • DNA of China population will have bigger difference than European and Americans compare to local or neighbouring countries.

  • As we know Technology can be a BOON or CURSE so is with Virology or biotechnology.


  • Scientist can edit DNA/RNA of the virus so that rather than doing damage to our body, it can treat other diseases of the body.


  • Scientist can also edit DNA/RNA virus, in such a way to target specific DNA of set of people at geography level to get them infected easily & lethal to them.

  • Since 16 months of covid19 havoc across the globe, we have enough data that proves that over 90% of the covid19 infections and death happened in USA and Europe. But now in India as well.

  • This indicates that Covid19 might be re-engineered version of corona virus as a weapon, created by China and targeted to Europe and USA people. This is well supported by WHO in disguise.

Remember longer the distance from China the higher chances of better re-programming of Virus DNA/RNA as they are easily identifiable and programmable due to bigger differences in DNA
  • European and USA are targeted by DNA therefore Corona virus is spread intentionally to make them weaker by economy and power.

  • China might have already won the world war III very silently to displace USA as Superpower.

  • This could be the new era of a humankind and can be treated as reset button to define a new way of living a life on this earth. Probably the worst way to live on the planet.

After so much of so called technology and advancements, how come humans are destroying their own home the earth. May Mother nature bless us with right wisdom!

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